Thursday, December 6, 2012

Really Random Thursday

Our tree is up and decorated, and Duke is all nestled and snug in his bed ~ under it. I see him using his bed more often these winter days. Must be warm. He is wearing his Christmas collar and snazzy bow tie for the holidays. He struts around feeling like a million bucks!

We received word from Clay the white boxer that he loves showing his WA Cougar pride with his new bow tie. His Dad sent me this picture. Isn't he cute?!

Do you have picture ornaments of your pets on your tree? I, of course, do. Love seeing Duke's puppy picture each year almost as much as the kids'!

Frosty's up in the yard and the countdown begins for my parent's arrival! 17 days! I wonder how much gift sewing I can get done before the holidays.

Have you noticed my blog changes? It's so colorful now. Makes me happy to see colorful patterns. And those Instagram photos in the sidebar kind of picture overkill but ....

Today is Really Random Thursday at Cindy's blog, Live a Colorful Life. The button is in my sidebar if you want go link up.

Kris n Duke :-)


  1. Such a fun post! Color is GOOD!!

  2. SO much cute on this post.

    And that spock drawing is cracking me UP.

  3. Very fun, and colorful, post! Thanks for linking up. Makes me day.
