Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Well I went to the doctor and it's a pinched nerve on my right side. Hoping my meds kick in soon. I've had on again off again pain for three days. When i get it, its like an electric current...zaps me! My husband cut my strips for those curtains...no rotary cutting for me!

Since we are back to cloudy here, I took a better picture of those curtains. Here's another shot from inside the basement, sort of has the stained glass look. They are backed with a vintage sheet.

Rest time with Duke!



  1. I'm glad you had it checked out! Give yourself plenty of rest and no skateboarding! LOL
    I finally figured out how to put your button on my blog! Yay for me!

  2. Wow! Your curtains look great! Rest up!

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon! And your curtains are just adorable!

  4. oh no! please stop hurting soon, ok? the curtains are just darling. love on Duke for me :D

  5. They look gorgeous from the inside as well!!!
